
較早前,我們在Vinexpo Asia 2024中最大的法國展區,訪問了隆河區的大使,了解更多有關產區的最新發展,也可以品嘗到最著名產區以外的一些美酒,有不少可能是大家忽略了的。隆河區是法國第二大AOC(Appellation d’Origine...

Vinexpo Asia 2024強勢回歸香港

事隔六年,首屈一指的Vinexpo Asia重臨香港,圓滿回歸,吸引了來自 60 個國家的超過 14,203 名訪客。當中受中國葡萄酒買家強勢推動,出席人數遠超預期一萬名達40%。商業配對服務透過線上平台促進了買家和參展商之間的交易,共預訂了 4,237 場會議。 多國展覽團...

Champagne Lallier 凱旋而歸

金巴利集團首次在香港推出Champagne Lallier,此次亦是Champagne Lallier正式回歸亞洲市場。1906年誕生於香 檳區阿伊(Aÿ),Champagne...

新生代Vinexpo:Vinexposium CEO專訪

身為酒界一份子,早在3月全面開關後,大家最關心的必定是各項以往在香港舉辦的大型活動當,其中以往每兩年一次的Vinexpo Hong...



USA Cheese Guild 全球導師會議




The Glamorous Pink!

The Glamorous Pink!

Mentioning Provence, the romantic pinkish rosé wine immediately comes to our mind. It used to be dark in colour before the whole region turned to a much lighter, salmon pinkish...

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Bollinger全新酒款PN VZ15

Bollinger全新酒款PN VZ15

作為007最喜愛的香檳,Bollinger以Pinot Noir作主要葡萄。而最稀有酒款VVF(Vieilles Vignes Françaises)更是來自單一葡萄園的100% Pinot Noir。今年他們推出一款全新酒款PN VZ15,同樣是以100% Pinot Noir釀造。 這瓶全黑的Bollinger型格非常,是酒莊自2008年推出Rosé...

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MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017

MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017

MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017’ has come to the 9th anniversary for an authentic Germanic beer festival for all walks of life. Hosted by MGM Macau, ‘MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017’...

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New Era of Champagne Mumm’s Legacy

New Era of Champagne Mumm’s Legacy

Luxury is not just about handbags, watches or fancy clothes and makeup. In my point of view, regardless of any circumstances, the pursuit of better life, constant refined life...

Hennessy家族傳承 呈獻馨香馥郁

Hennessy家族傳承 呈獻馨香馥郁

譽滿全球、歷史悠久的干邑先驅-- 軒尼詩家族,Killian Hennessy傳承了家族的感性思維及敏銳眼光,於2007年成立了Killian Hennessy尊尚香水品牌。展現獨特優雅個性,揉合法式優雅及極致奢華生活品味。

Ao Yun 2016

Ao Yun 2016

Produced in the foothills of the Himalayas, near the legendary city of Shangri-La, Ao Yun is the fruit of an exceptional adventure that pushes the frontiers in winemaking, by creating a wine estate in a previously unexplored terroir.

Everyday Bordeaux 2019 Result

Everyday Bordeaux 2019 Result

相信各位葡萄酒迷對波爾多嘅美酒都不陌生,都知道波爾多不單有各著名酒莊的列級名酒,也不只有紅葡萄酒,也有不少出色的白葡萄酒、甜白酒,甚至氣泡酒,而且價格可以十分親和。 香港每年都會由一班知名的酒評人、葡萄酒導師、葡萄酒大師、專業侍酒師一同選出HK$450以下的優秀波爾多葡萄酒。 2019年度「每天波爾多」100瓶入選酒款成績經已公佈!不如即刻睇睇啦!...

A Sip of the Refreshing & Fruity Cloud

A Sip of the Refreshing & Fruity Cloud

Cloudy Bay releases its 35th vintage Sauvignon Blanc, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2019. Sauvignon Blanc has always been the most representative wine of Cloudy Bay. It is rich in...

女王也粉紅 | The Queen in Glamourous Pink

女王也粉紅 | The Queen in Glamourous Pink

很多人都喜歡說粉紅香檳是香檳界的公主,淺淺的粉紅色充滿著細長的水晶杯,細細的泡沫湧上,像是公主頸上的珍珠,太美太夢幻太優雅。筆者私以為,其實粉紅香檳更像是女王,雖然粉粉的顏色讓她看起來似是千嬌百媚,實則有著高酸度的個性,和堅實的風骨。 Many would say that Rosé is the princess of champagnes....




經典是美味,一場盛宴不單只食物,佐餐的美酒同樣重要。中、法、日,三個截然不同的國家,走在一起到底有什麼可能性呢?這是對廚師、侍酒師的考驗,也只有兩者相互配合才可以發揮出極致。中國佳餚加上法國香檳及日本清酒,可以達到什麼境界呢?那天晚上,在米芝蓮三星中菜食府富臨飯店,感受到了這樣的經典。 舉辦方「賞酒嘗味饌選Pairing...

USA Cheese Guild 全球導師會議

不論是美國乳品之鄉大大小小的平原,還是風光明媚的西部海岸,都孕育著美國芝士世界。 美國這個國家充滿著無限可能,生產的芝士當然也不例外。芝士生產商才華洋溢,滿懷對芝士製作的熱情,一代又一代努力不懈,製作出超過 1,000 種芝士。然而,美國芝士業界必須化解世界各地對美國芝士的誤解,帶領不認識美國芝士業界的人,了解這個令人雀躍萬分的產業。 讓世界認識美國芝士 USA Cheese Guild 代表美國奶農及整個美國芝士業界,讓世界認識美國優質芝士。The...


說到隆河谷,大家都會先想起紅葡萄酒,白葡萄酒只佔大約10%,但隆河谷嘅白葡萄酒卻同樣精彩,透過調配不同葡萄品種,釀造出千變萬化的風格。佐餐方面,隆河白葡萄酒更跟紅葡萄酒一樣,是可以配搭不同食物都可勝任的酒款。對於喜歡中菜的朋友,更是合適非常,不用對上每道菜上枱次序,一大班朋友可以輕輕鬆鬆地享用美味的菜餚佳釀。 早前我們便參加了一場在法式餐廳Ta...

USA Cheese: American Innovation, Unbound by Tradition

The United States is a melting pot of cultures and traditions inspiring a new generation of cheese artisans with a knack for innovation and dedicated entrepreneurial spirit to create some of the finest cheeses in the world. For decades, the U.S. cheese industry has...

An Evoked Tale of Two Cities | St. Regis Bar

What are the similarities between New York and Hong Kong? They both are international financial centres, bristling with tall buildings, and they are cities that embrace all differences. We all will and have been through ups and downs. Fortunately, the dark times that Charles Dickens wrote about are long gone.


HONG KONG RUM WEEK 2019 by Hong Kong Rum Festival 首屆Hong Kong Rum Week將於2019年9月2-8號舉行,你準備好迎接這場狂歡了嗎? Get ready for a season of rummified festivities with the FIRST ever Hong Kong Rum Week from 2 nd - 8 th September! Hong Kong Rum Week由Hong Kong Rum...



ANNA SUI 2019 Autumn Collcetion

The essence of ANNA SUI Products is just like accessories, apply them wherever you like, in whichever colour you like, and in whatever amount you like, to suit your mood and clothing. The ANNA SUI 2019 Autumn Collection will be launching in October. All cosmetic...

Hennessy家族傳承 呈獻馨香馥郁

譽滿全球、歷史悠久的干邑先驅-- 軒尼詩家族,Killian Hennessy傳承了家族的感性思維及敏銳眼光,於2007年成立了Killian Hennessy尊尚香水品牌。展現獨特優雅個性,揉合法式優雅及極致奢華生活品味。

Prestige SenseIQ超貼心智能感控溫護髮電風筒|Philips

點解成日都聽到好多女士抱怨洗頭好麻煩?因為吹頭真係好攰呀,尤其係長髮飄飄嘅女士,每次吹頭都好似練舉重咁。宜家有一款超貼心嘅風筒,乾髮超有效率,更配有造型風嘴,超級方便!佢就係Philips嘅Prestige SenseIQ智能感控溫護髮電風筒喇! Hair Dryer Prestige SenselQ 智能感控溫護髮電風筒具備三大功能:感溫、調控及護髮。可以智能調整風溫,避免髮絲受損,令頭髮更有光澤;超強勁氣流更可以將吹髮時間縮短30%!       ...

My Anti-acne Secret Weapon

What do you remember in memory of youth? The memory of youth is after all not always so beautiful, right? Since girlhood, acne has been a problem that troubles us at all time.

Watch that Box

When I was working in Shanghai a few years ago, I was surprised by citizen’s high acceptance to ecommerce. And when I was back to Hong Kong, I found local people are also quite familiar to international ecommerce platforms.

Baden – Where fairy tales begin

破曉時分 沉穩的中世紀建築散發著往昔繁華 溫熱的泉水繚繞著氤氳霧氣 沉浸其中,昏昏欲睡,搖搖欲墜 靈魂延伸出身體的邊際 一片靜謐中,思緒順著蜿蜒的河水 放下錯與對、是與非 穿梭在黑森林,不必擔心無路可退 亦無所求 傾聽穿林而過的光與滿目松香 酣暢淋漓,滿載而歸 When the dawn’s young, The bygone prosperity is revealed by the medieval architecture. Mist wreathes the warm spring water. Immersed in...



新生代Vinexpo:Vinexposium CEO專訪

身為酒界一份子,早在3月全面開關後,大家最關心的必定是各項以往在香港舉辦的大型活動當,其中以往每兩年一次的Vinexpo Hong Kong酒展,規模之大可說是亞洲之最。今年Vinexposium(Vinexpo之主辦方) CEO Rodolphe Lameyse親身來到香港,除了要介紹5月在新加坡首次舉行的Vinexpo Asia 2023外,也為大家帶來好消息:關於未來的Vinexpo HK動向及發展。我們也借此跟Rodolphe來個專訪。 Rodolphe在Vinexpo Aisa...