A Sip of the Refreshing & Fruity Cloud

A Sip of the Refreshing & Fruity Cloud

Cloudy Bay releases its 35th vintage Sauvignon Blanc, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2019. Sauvignon Blanc has always been the most representative wine of Cloudy Bay. It is rich in aroma, with fruit and unique mineral taste. Its fresh and delicate taste are glamourous....
女王也粉紅 | The Queen in Glamourous Pink

女王也粉紅 | The Queen in Glamourous Pink

很多人都喜歡說粉紅香檳是香檳界的公主,淺淺的粉紅色充滿著細長的水晶杯,細細的泡沫湧上,像是公主頸上的珍珠,太美太夢幻太優雅。筆者私以為,其實粉紅香檳更像是女王,雖然粉粉的顏色讓她看起來似是千嬌百媚,實則有著高酸度的個性,和堅實的風骨。 Many would say that Rosé is the princess of champagnes. Gushing up in the Champagne glasses, the delicate bubbles are like the pearls on the neck of...
He Loves Sake; he knows Sake!

He Loves Sake; he knows Sake!

It will be a real delight to have unlimited chilled sake in summer nights when gathering with friends. And it’ll be even better to have an expert to guide you through the Japanese sake culture and experience the charm of Tokyo style all-you-can-drink sake bar. WAKO...
Sicily, The Black Pearl in Mediterranean

Sicily, The Black Pearl in Mediterranean

Sicily ——傳說從未間斷…… 在繽紛的意大利南端,有一座風情萬種的島嶼,名叫Sicily。 電影Malèna (「西西里的美麗傳說」)中,那個落魄的絕色女子,眼裡全是看破之後的凌厲卻乾淨,姿態輕佻卻不掩強韌,放肆妖嬈地穿越眾人晦澀口眼,坐定、翹腿,叼一根香煙在絳唇間,四下便倏忽忽如游魚搶食般湊來十幾隻握著打火機的手。 那不可方物的美無人能拒,一如慵懶而性感的Sicily。 On the southern tip of Italy, there is a beautiful island named Sicily. In...


The Poetic Life with Wines 西班牙藝術家Salvador Dalí說,「Qui sait déguster ne boit plus jamais de vin mais goûte des secrets.」 ———品味之人飲下的,不是葡萄酒,而是秘密。 而對於Bettane與Desseauve來說,葡萄酒絕不僅僅是商品,而是流淌著的一個個動人故事。 ‘Qui sait déguster ne boit plus jamais de vin mais goûte des secrets.’Said by...