HONG KONG RUM WEEK 2019 by Hong Kong Rum Festival 首屆Hong Kong Rum Week將於2019年9月2-8號舉行,你準備好迎接這場狂歡了嗎? Get ready for a season of rummified festivities with the FIRST ever Hong Kong Rum Week from 2 nd – 8 th September! Hong Kong Rum Week由Hong Kong Rum...
Redefine Luxury On The Road

Redefine Luxury On The Road

在旅途上定義奢華 Text: Alice Liang Château Cheval Blanc是不少好酒之徒夢寐的夢幻逸品,世上也有人對此酒莊熱愛得連自己所開設的酒店也要以此命名。貴精不貴多的白馬莊園渡假酒店,目前全球只有三間,但每間都如同名酒莊的作品,出眾得教人如癡如醉,位於馬爾代夫的Cheval Blanc Randheli亦絕不例外。 Without question, Château Cheval Blanc is the darling of a lot of wine lovers – one of...
Breaking through again | The Crown of Spanish Wines: Rioja

Breaking through again | The Crown of Spanish Wines: Rioja

西班牙葡萄酒之皇:里奧哈 醞釀革新 里奧哈(Rioja)作為西班牙最重要,最優秀的產區之一,除了擁抱傳統精煉的釀酒工藝,還有著永遠向前的目光,為了讓里奧哈的葡萄酒繼續站在葡萄酒界的頂尖,他們不斷思索著不同的方向,迎接新時代的來臨,當地的葡萄酒法規也不斷演變,讓當地的釀酒師發掘里奧哈的更多可能性。 As one of the most important and prestigious regions in Spain, Rioja embraces both traditional winemaking and vision to...
Spätburgunder, not quite the hidden gem of Germany anymore

Spätburgunder, not quite the hidden gem of Germany anymore

Text: Tersina Shieh Riesling當然是譽滿國際的德國葡萄酒,但Spätburgunder(又名Pinot Noir)正在悄悄地迎頭趕上。 被Bachmair Wines的Karl Bachmair指是德國葡萄酒先生的Joel Payne, 最近舉辦了一場侍酒師及傳媒的品鑑會,細味了五個德國葡萄酒產區的九款優質葡萄酒。 Sure Riesling is Germany’s most well-known wine but Spätburgunder (aka Pinot Noir) is quietly...
Baden – Where fairy tales begin

Baden – Where fairy tales begin

破曉時分 沉穩的中世紀建築散發著往昔繁華 溫熱的泉水繚繞著氤氳霧氣 沉浸其中,昏昏欲睡,搖搖欲墜 靈魂延伸出身體的邊際 一片靜謐中,思緒順著蜿蜒的河水 放下錯與對、是與非 穿梭在黑森林,不必擔心無路可退 亦無所求 傾聽穿林而過的光與滿目松香 酣暢淋漓,滿載而歸 When the dawn’s young, The bygone prosperity is revealed by the medieval architecture. Mist wreathes the warm spring water. Immersed in...