Prestige SenseIQ超貼心智能感控溫護髮電風筒|Philips

Prestige SenseIQ超貼心智能感控溫護髮電風筒|Philips

點解成日都聽到好多女士抱怨洗頭好麻煩?因為吹頭真係好攰呀,尤其係長髮飄飄嘅女士,每次吹頭都好似練舉重咁。宜家有一款超貼心嘅風筒,乾髮超有效率,更配有造型風嘴,超級方便!佢就係Philips嘅Prestige SenseIQ智能感控溫護髮電風筒喇! Hair Dryer Prestige SenselQ 智能感控溫護髮電風筒具備三大功能:感溫、調控及護髮。可以智能調整風溫,避免髮絲受損,令頭髮更有光澤;超強勁氣流更可以將吹髮時間縮短30%!       ...
An Evoked Tale of Two Cities | St. Regis Bar

An Evoked Tale of Two Cities | St. Regis Bar

It might not be the best of times, but gladly it’s also not the worst of times.   What are the similarities between New York and Hong Kong? They both are international financial centres, bristling with tall buildings, and they are cities that embrace all...
Everyday Bordeaux 2019 Result

Everyday Bordeaux 2019 Result

相信各位葡萄酒迷對波爾多嘅美酒都不陌生,都知道波爾多不單有各著名酒莊的列級名酒,也不只有紅葡萄酒,也有不少出色的白葡萄酒、甜白酒,甚至氣泡酒,而且價格可以十分親和。 香港每年都會由一班知名的酒評人、葡萄酒導師、葡萄酒大師、專業侍酒師一同選出HK$450以下的優秀波爾多葡萄酒。 2019年度「每天波爾多」100瓶入選酒款成績經已公佈!不如即刻睇睇啦! CIVB Everyday Bordeaux 2019 100 Wines List # Wine Name (in no particular order) Year AOC...
My Anti-acne Secret Weapon

My Anti-acne Secret Weapon

What do you remember in memory of youth? The memory of youth is after all not always so beautiful, right? Since girlhood, acne has been a problem that troubles us at all time. Girlhood has been far away from me though, I still suffer from acne and skin problem due to...
Watch that Box

Watch that Box

When I was working in Shanghai a few years ago, I was surprised by citizen’s high acceptance to ecommerce. And when I was back to Hong Kong, I found local people are also quite familiar to international ecommerce platforms. However, when it comes to watch trading that...