湧泡初夏 Sparkling Summer 2022

湧泡初夏 Sparkling Summer 2022

去年3月,全港最大期間限定環球氣泡酒體驗館「Bubble Wonderland」登陸銅鑼灣潮流熱點Fashion Walk,一度掀起氣泡酒熱潮。未夠喉?No Worries,體驗館今年將以新姿態「Sparkling Summer」載譽歸來,滿足你的泡泡慾!復活假期臨近,一於用氣泡酒慶祝,提早放假,湧泡初夏! 買過百款氣泡酒 親嚐氣泡文化趣味 今年體驗館選址銅鑼灣京士頓街兩層地鋪,場內展出超過100款氣泡酒以供選購,Shopping List...
Sustainability in the Côtes du Rhône: Less is More

Sustainability in the Côtes du Rhône: Less is More

The AOC  Côtes du Rhône are naturally inclined to promote respectfully the biodiversity in vineyards thanks to several natural resources: the vigorous grape varieties, a land accustomed to high heat with hot summers and dry winters, which makes it possible to regulate...
廖啟智: 築起生活的溫暖巢穴

廖啟智: 築起生活的溫暖巢穴

(刊於2012年3月號CRU) 他當然清楚世界上還有更棒的,但卻仿傚懶得出洞的小動物一樣,總愛窩在這個舒舒服服,安安穩穩的溫暖巢穴,守護著最深愛的家人,用隨心隨緣的沉默態度,去跟周遭作出最恰到好處的互動,微笑地。 抱持的世界觀...
Wines of Chateau La Grace Dieu des Prieurs

Wines of Chateau La Grace Dieu des Prieurs

Wine List of Seta at Mandarin Oriental Milan Wins Prestigious Wine Spectator Award The wine list of the Seta restaurant (two Michelin stars) at the Mandarin Oriental Milan has received the prestigious professional award ‘Wine Spectator 2020 Best of Award of...
Rendezvous with The German Wine Queen

Rendezvous with The German Wine Queen

If every month has a color to fill, I believe the color of June would be filled with the tone of white and red wine. With the coming-back of Riesling weeks, we are honoured to have the 70th German Wine Queen, Carolin Klöckner, for the Riesling Weeks in Hong Kong. Each...