Michele Chiarlo Barolo Riserva Triumviratum 2004


The Wine Gallery by ASC Fine WInes // 2526 2020 // www.michelechiarlo.it // HK$ 799

Michele Chiarlo是Piedmont最具實力的酒莊之 一。她們擁有一系列的Barolo,來自不同的葡 萄園。這瓶Riserva特別的地方是由三片不同的 葡萄園混釀而成,不是一般常見的單一葡萄園 酒釀。Triumviratum是三位君王聯合起來的意 思。2004年被譽為偉大的年份,經過差不多十 年的醞釀,這瓶王者展現出完美的平衡及優雅, 是經典型的Barolo代表,不是近年以小型法國橡 木桶主導的現代派可比。

Michele Chiarlo is one of the top producers in Piedmont. They have a solid collection of Barolo from different Crus. This very special Riserva is different from the single vineyard cuvée. The word Triumviratum means the union of the three kings. That means the grapes of this great riserva wine is coming from three greatest Crus of Barolo. 2004 is a great vintage for Barolo and after almost 10 years it shows a perfect balance and elegance that a classic Barolo should have, instead of the barrique driven modern style.

1 Dec, 2013

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