Do you know Nebbiolo??

很多人都知道意大利出名的酒款如Barolo及Barbaresco,人稱酒王及酒后。但他們又知道自己在喝什麼呢?遞出一瓶Gattinara大家都「灑手拎頭」,到底是什麼來,試也不試便錯過一瓶價廉物美的好東西。 Gattinara其實是意大利其中一個DOCG法定產區,跟Barolo及Barbaresco同屬優質法定產區,大家同樣是在意大利西北部的Piemonte省,而更重要是,這三個地區的酒都是以Nebbiolo為主,因為名氣不大,往往被忽略,實在很可惜,大家以後不妨多留意啊。   You all know the great wine of Itally, calling Barolo and Barbaresco as the King and Queen…

You all know the great wine of Itally, calling Barolo and Barbaresco as the King and Queen of Wine. But Do you know what you are drinking? Handing them a bottle of Gattinara, they will just refuse me and don’t bother to taste it. OK, I will keep this good stuff for myself then.
If you go through what Gattinara is, it is a DOCG wine that is also coming from the land of Piemonte, and most importantly, it is also made from the Nebbiolo grapes you find in Barolo and Barbaresco. It is less known because of it small volume. So don’t just throw these bottles away, I don’t mind keeping them all.

3 Sep, 2012

A wine enthusiast turning to a full time wine writer, marketer. Traveling to different wine regions to visit winemakers, taste wine, whisky and all kinds of alcohol. A foodie who enjoy cooking and to suggest the best pairing during different occasion.