Bourillon Dorléans Vouvray La Caulée d’Argent 2010


LSWine Group // 2618 9907 // // HK$ 228

我們常投訴香港太少法國Loire Valley的葡萄 酒。LSWine是當中比較活躍的Loire進口商。 像這瓶Vouvray的不甜白葡萄酒,是以Chenin Blanc釀造,帶美麗的花香,而且非常適合亞洲 人的口味及食物。酒體中等,帶豐富的花香,入 口帶濃郁的果香如白梨、荔枝及青蘋果的味道, 收結悠長,帶良好的酸度。最適合用來佐餐,配 以海鮮炒飯及較淡的咖喱類食物。

We are always complaining there is too little wine from Loire Valley of France in HK. LSWine is one of the more active importers of Loire Wine. Like this dry Vouvray, which is made with Chenin Blanc, is an excellent white wine with great floral character that suits the Asian palate and food. This delicate wine is medium light body, with intense floral nose, on the palate it has rich fruity notes of pear, lychee, green apple. Long after taste with a stunning acidity. Good pairing with seafood fried rice and light curry coconut sauce.


1 Dec, 2013

Local wine magazine founded Hong Kong. It covers not only news about beverage like wine, whisky, sake...etc, it also features lifestyle trends about dining, cocktails, travel, gadgets, and luxury parts composing the metropolitan lifestyle in Hong Kong.