

說到隆河谷,大家都會先想起紅葡萄酒,白葡萄酒只佔大約10%,但隆河谷嘅白葡萄酒卻同樣精彩,透過調配不同葡萄品種,釀造出千變萬化的風格。佐餐方面,隆河白葡萄酒更跟紅葡萄酒一樣,是可以配搭不同食物都可勝任的酒款。對於喜歡中菜的朋友,更是合適非常,不用對上每道菜上枱次序,一大班朋友可以輕輕鬆鬆地享用美味的菜餚佳釀。 早前我們便參加了一場在法式餐廳Ta...
Ao Yun 2016

Ao Yun 2016

Country: China Region: Yuen Nan Vintage: 2016 Tasting Note: Produced in the foothills of the Himalayas, near the legendary city of Shangri-La, Ao Yun is the fruit of an exceptional adventure that pushes the frontiers in winemaking, by creating a wine estate in a...