MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017

MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017

MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017’ has come to the 9th anniversary for an authentic Germanic beer festival for all walks of life. Hosted by MGM Macau, ‘MGM Macau Oktoberfest 2017’ demonstrates a traditional Germany beer festival from the food and beverage, entertainment...


不說不知,原來年輪蛋糕的發源地是德國,再在日本發揚光大。澳門美高梅早前請來德國甜品大師Lilli Hauser,製作德國傳統的香草「年輪蛋糕」,蛋糕質感比日本的乾身但柔軟,甜度亦較低,富濃濃的蛋香,捧場客不少。最新酒店乘勝追擊推出全新的朱古力年輪蛋糕,其做法比傳統圓形的年輪蛋糕更考技術及功夫,香濃的朱古力包著淡淡的蛋糕,更適合熱愛朱古力的港人,每個澳門幣88元。 澳門美高梅...