由於VIntage Port需要如此的耐性,想享受Vintage Port的華美動人,可以嚐嚐LBV (Late Bottled Vintage),而有存證最古老的LBV大概是1927的Ramos Pinto。LBV跟Vintage Port一樣,都是來自同一年份的葡萄釀造,再在木桶中陳釀四至六年,比Vintage Port長,也因此Port酒在木桶內會氧化較多,所以熟成得比較快,也就是更加快適合飲用,基本上所有LBV在推出時已可飲用,不用再存放多年才適飲。酒莊每年也可推出LBV,但有些酒莊像Dow’s也只在好年才釀LBV。風格上也有兩個派別,部分酒莊的LBV會經過濾才推出,這有助避免酒渣的形成;酒體會較輕盈而澄清,另外也有酒莊不把LBV過濾裝瓶,那這些LBV會像Vintage Port一樣會較易隨時間形成酒渣,有說這種LBV會更好,也更能經歲月的洗禮,至於好壞,這不是決定性的因素。現在大部分的LBV都是經過濾的,只有少數酒莊LBV會不經過濾裝瓶。要分辨的話,主要看酒塞,用傳統葡萄酒塞的便是沒有過濾的,跟Dow’s系出同門的Warre’s酒莊所推出的LBV便是沒有經過過濾的傳統LBV,註明是Unfiltered,而使用T字型酒塞的大多是經過濾的。
Terms and Conditions:
- Participants of the event must be over 18 years old.
- Event tickets will be in e-format only. Please present the e-ticket for entry. Admission will not be granted if failing to show the e-ticket.
- Each event ticket will have a unique code and can be used for the entry of one participant once only.
- Re-use of each ticket code will not be allowed.
- Tickets are non-refundable.
- Cru Magazine reserve the rights of final decision in case of any disputes.
- Terms and conditions apply.
- Standard Ticket Entry time: 3:30-7:30pm
- VIP Ticket Entry time: 2-7:30pm
由於VIntage Port需要如此的耐性,想享受Vintage Port的華美動人,可以嚐嚐LBV (Late Bottled Vintage),而有存證最古老的LBV大概是1927的Ramos Pinto。LBV跟Vintage Port一樣,都是來自同一年份的葡萄釀造。