Warramate Pinot Noir 2011

Kerry Wines // 2169 7700 // www.warramatewines.com.au // HK$ 1,588

Yarra Valley是澳洲當中最熱門的Pinot Noir產 區之一。這瓶酒釀的葡萄園位於Warramate Ranges向北的山坡上。非常有趣地,她正是在 大名鼎鼎的Yarra Yering葡萄園之上。在100% 的全新橡木桶陳年18個月。但豐富的果香並沒 有讓她失去平衡,全靠由優秀葡萄園所採收的葡 萄,豐富而複雜的香氣,帶著香料及乾果的味 道。現在喝當然是美味可口,不過放個十年八載 肯定會更有趣。

Yarra Valley has been one of the most exciting region for Australian Pinot Noir. This one is coming from the north facing slopes of the Warramate Ranges. Interestingly, the vineyards are locating uphills of the famous Yarra Yering vineyards. It ages in 100% new French oak for 18 months, but with the great fruit coming from the vineyards, it shows generous fruit on the palate and bouquet, followed by loads of spices and dried fruit. It welcomes you now but will continue to age for about 10 years.


1 Dec, 2013

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