Celebrating the Hullett House’s 5th Anniversary

聖喬治為迎接歡欣炎夏及海利公館5週年紀念,帶來一系列盛夏款宴套餐,以世界各地極緻食材入饌,帶領您的舌尖品嚐一趟法國佳餚之旅。另一不能錯過的是,客人可邊饗宴邊賺取港幣$1=1里的亞洲萬里通里數,盡情享用雙重優惠。 This summer and in the occasion of Hullett House’s 5th Anniversary, St. George is launching 3 celebration menus: Lunch…

This summer and in the occasion of Hullett House’s 5th Anniversary, St. George is launching 3 celebration menus: Lunch Summer Menu, Le Degustation Menu and Le Menu Set Dinner, featuring the finest ingredients from all around the world leading you through a French gourmet journey. Another tempting offer is, every dollar spent on one of the above menus is entitled an equal amount of Asia Miles! Entice your taste bud and get a double reward!

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About St. George
St. George is Hullett House’s signature fine dining restaurant, serving contemporary French cuisine within the historical former Marine Police Headquarters. Its refined setting brings contains reflections of Hong Kong’s British influences.
高雅的聖喬治供應當代法國美食,裝飾瑰麗無瑕,讓人聯想起當年高級警官下班後在此開懷暢飲或抽雪茄的情境。廚師精心炮製的當代法式佳餚,刺激食客的味蕾神經,配合親切舒適的餐廳環境,絕對是進行商務午餐及豐富晚宴的理想選擇。 室內裝飾瑰麗無瑕,高聳的拱形天花板、木橫梁、水晶吊燈、陳舊皮沙發和天鵝絨窗簾,營造豪華殖民地的氣氛呼之欲出,演譯出大英帝國對舊香港的影響。
1881 Heritage, 2A Canton Road,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

31 Aug, 2015

Local wine magazine founded Hong Kong. It covers not only news about beverage like wine, whisky, sake...etc, it also features lifestyle trends about dining, cocktails, travel, gadgets, and luxury parts composing the metropolitan lifestyle in Hong Kong.